Elo-Mai Mägi (née. Mikelsaar)
8.11.1989, Tartu
Based in Elva, Estonia.

2021 – 2024  Tartu Vocational College, tailor, EstQF Level 4
2013 – 2016  University of Tartu, Faculty of Philosophy, painting, MA cum laude
2014 – 2015  Strzemiński Academy of Art Łódź (Poola), painting and textile, MA        (ERASMUS+)
2010 – 2013  University of Tartu, Faculty of Philosophy, painting, BA
2009 – 2013  University of Tartu, Faculty of Philosophy, semiotics, BA
1997 – 2009  Rannu Secondary School


2015  The scholarship of Susan and August Mölder (Foundation of Estonian     Culture)
2013       Young Painter Prize, 2nd prize

al. 2017  Estonian Authors’ Society
al. 2017  Tartu Artists´ Union
al. 2014  Estonian Painters’ Association
al. 2009  Society of Estonian Women Students


“Kehakõne” at The Library of The University of Life Sciences

“Nightmare Scenario” the exhibition of the BA and MA diploma works of the Department of Painting of the University of Tartu 2013 at Tartu Art House

“KOOSKÕLA” Synoptic exhibition of Estonian female artists. Curator: Mareli Reinhold (Pärnu Museum)

„Kolmainsus – Teadus. Kunst. Ulme.“ Curators Kaija Põhako-Esko ja Tõnu Esko (Voronja gallery)

Tartu Art’s Annual Exhibition at Tartu Art House

“Woman. Replacement Body”. Curators Leila Lükko and Tiiu Rebane (Noorus Gallery, Tartu)

19th annual Estonian Artists’ Association spring exhibition at Tallinn City Gallery

“The Forest In The Digital Era”. Leila Lükko, Jane Remm, Piret Kullerkupp and Elo-Mai Mikelsaar (Kultuurikatel, Tallinn)

Tartu Art’s Annual Exhibition at Tartu Art House

Tartu Art’s Annual Exhibition at Tartu Art House

Estonian Painters´Association “Painting the Forest” (Swedbank private banking gallery, Tallinn)

“Still Human” Elo-Mai Mikelsaar and Maarja Nõmmik (Centre for Arts Gallery of University of Tartu, Old Anatomical Theatre)

Tartu Art’s Annual Exhibition at Tartu Art House

“RIGHT NOW!” the Annual Exhibition of the Estonian Painter’s Association at The Museum of New Art in Pärnu

“Life per se” Elo-Mai Mikelsaar and Maarja Nõmmik (Tartu Art House)

Tartu Artist`s Annual Exhibition at Tartu Art House

Estonian Painters’ Association’s exhibition “White Water” (Haus gallery)

Society of Estonian Women Students’ 105th anniversary art exhibition “ENÜS, kunst & naised” (Estonian Literary Museum)

Tartu Young Art Exhibition and Auction of the Tartu Centre for Creative Industries in Tartu

The exhibition of the BA and MA diploma works of the Department of Painting of the University of Tartu 2016 at Tartu Art House

16th annual unjuried Estonian Artists’ Association exhibition at Tallinn City Gallery

Tartu Artist`s Annual Exhibition at Tartu Art House

“Tee” at Võru County Museum at Võru

“ΕΓΩ” – the group exhibition of the second-year postgraduate students of Tartu University Painting Department at the University of Tartu’s Old Anatomical Theatre in Tartu

“Don’t Worry” – The exhibition of the summer workshop of the Tartu University Painting Department at the Library of the University of Tartu in Tartu

“Don’t Worry” – The exhibition of the summer workshop of the University of Tartu Painting Department at Kosmonautika Holiday Centre in Häädemeeste

Tallinn Flower Festival’s exhibition of flower paintings at Köismäe Tower in Tallinn

“Continuity and Newness” – the Annual Exhibition of the Estonian Painter’s Association at The Museum of New Art in Pärnu

XV ERASMUS Exhibition (Galeria BIAŁA ŚCIANA, Strzemiński Academy of Art Łódź, Poland)

Interdisciplinary festival “Crazy Tartu 5: Theatrical” at Promenaadiviis in Tartu

The exhibition of the prints of the University of Tartu Painting Department at café Gaudeamus in Tartu

„Kosmonautijad Kosmonautikas“ – the exhibition of the summer workshop of the University of Tartu Painting Department at The Library of the University of Tartu in Tartu

„Kosmonautijad Kosmonautikas“ – the exhibition of the summer workshop of the University of Tartu Painting Department at Kosmonautika Holiday Centre in Häädemeeste

Tartu Young Art Exhibition and Auction of the Tartu Centre for Creative Industries in Tartu

“Cruise Tartu” at Gallery Noorus in Tartu

“Spring Exhibition” – 14th annual Estonian Artists’ Association exhibition at Tallinn City Gallery

“Painting Focus”: Estonian contemporary painting – the annual exhibition of the Estonian Painters’ Association at Pärnu Museum of New Art in Pärnu

Ekspositsioon Tartu Ülikooli Narva Kolledžis

Tartu Ülikooli maalikunsti üliõpilaste näitus (Tartu Ülikooli Raamatukogu kohvik “Gaudeamus”)

Tartu Artist`s Annual Exhibition at Tartu Art House

“Summer in the Middle of Winter”- the exhibition of the summer workshop of the University of Tartu Painting Department at The Library of the University of Tartu in Tartu

The Young Painter Prize 2013 Finalists’ exhibition at the Contemporary Art Centre in Vilnius Lithuania

The exhibition of the BA and MA diploma works of the Department of Painting of the University of Tartu 2013 at Tartu Art House

Tartu Artist`s Annual Exhibition at Tartu Art House

“BACA-BACA ehk Still life ja Nat-Morte“ – the exhibition of the students of the University of Tartu Painting Department at Tartu Art House in Tartu

The exhibition of the summer workshop of the University of Tartu Painting Department at the gallery pART in Põltsamaa

“Merila Landscape” – the exhibition of the summer workshop of the University of Tartu Painting Department at The Library of the University of Tartu in Tartu

Commission portrait paintings of the CEO of A.Le Coq beer factory Tarmo Noop commissioned by A.Le Coq Beer World

The cover (painting) for Ustav Mikelsaar’s novel “ELU ON EHMATUS” 2022

The cover (painting) for Ustav Mikelsaar’s novel “KASVATAJA” 2019

Illustrations for Urmas Sutrop’s book “Maailma kõige ilusam naine. Lumivalgukeste lood”

The cover (painting) for Ustav Mikelsaar’s novel “PAUS” 2017

Commission portrait painting of Dr Živile Riispere commissioned by Tartu University Hospital

The cover (painting) for Ustav Mikelsaar’s novel “TUULISPASK” 2017

Commission portrait painting of Professor Peeter Tulviste commissioned by the Rectorate of the University of Tartu

The cover (painting) for Ustav Mikelsaar’s novel “LENNUVAADE KÄÄPALE” 2015

Scientific illustrations for Estonian Ornithological Society:
“Eesti Linnud“ nutikas linnumääraja
„Leia lind“ mäng

2011 – 2024
Indoor murals
Invitation designs
Logo designs

Esko, Tõnu ja Kard, Põhjako-Esko, Kaija (ed.) Kolmainsus: kunst. Teadus. Ulme. (Exhibition catalogue.)

Kard, Elin 2019. EKL 19. aastanäitus. Kevadnäitus 2019/ 19th Annual Exhibition of EAA. Spring exhibition 2019 (Exhibition catalogue.)

Maalides metsa (Exhibition catalogue.)

Malin, Jaan 2017. Pilt ja sõna: Hullunud Tartu teine. 2013-2015 / Picture and Word. Crazy Tartu 2013-2015 (Festival catalogue.)

Siimso Merivoo, Jane (ed.) 2015. Lillemaalide festival 2015 (Exhibition catalogue.)

Kard, Elin (ed.) 2014. EKL 14. aastanäitus. Kevadnäitus (Exhibition catalogue.)

Dailidėnaitė-Petkevičienė, Julija (ed.), Dalmantaitė, Vitalija (ed.) 2013. Young Painter’s Prize (Exhibition catalogue.)


Käpp, Kätlin 2024. Vorm või sisu? Naiskunstnikud eile ja täna. Sirp 9.08.2024

Piirimäe, Krista 2022. Palju portreid ja graafilisi lehti. Sirp 28.01.2022

Kikas, Jaak 2021. Kolmikkohtumine Peipsi ääres. Sirp 20.08.2021

Luhaäär, Merle 2020. Kadunud tüdrukud. Sirp 16.10.2020

Mets, Risto 2017. Ülikooli kunstimuuseum esitles uusi portreid rektoritest. Postimees 30.06.2017

Arnover, Brita Karin 2017. Vaatamisharjutused. Sirp 17.02.2017

Piirimäe, Krista 2017. Tartu kunst, žürii ja Jevgeni Zolotko. Tartu Postimees 5.01.2017

Piirimäe, Krista 2016. Valuline dramatism. Sirp 8.07.2016

Nurk, Kaire 2016. Millest räägivad diplomimaalid?. Sirp 8.07.2016

Piirimäe, Krista 2016. Tartu kunst on atraktiivselt modernistlik. Postimees 4.01.2016

Mikuckytė, Austėja 2013. Laidojama nemirusi. Pašvaistė, 2013, 6: 1 – 6

Tatrik, Katre 2013. Noore kunstniku maalitud hirmud pälvisid preemia. Tartu Postimees 10.12.2013

Sirp Online uudised 2013. Elo-Mai Mikelsaarele noorte maalija võistlusel auhind. Sirp, 4.12.2013

Madiste, Egle 2013. Laureaat võitleb maaliõppe eest. Tartu Ekspress 5.12.2013

Aibel, Liisi 2013. Maalikunsti lõpetajate hulgas staare ei ole. Universitas Tartuensis, 6.2013, 7: 20 – 21.

Piirimäe, Krista 2013. Noor kunst laseb ennast paista mitmekülgsena. Tartu Postimees 20.06.2013

Talvistu, Peeter 2013. Üllatavast üllatuste puudumisest. Sirp 20.06.2013, 25